Despite the World War 2 bombardment many interesting churches can be found in Rotterdam. We present you a selection of churches in Rotterdam.
Laurens Church
The late gothic Laurenskerk – the only vestige of the medieval center of Rotterdam – was originally built between 1449 and 1525. During the 1940 bombing the church was destroyed to a large extent. In the fifties and sixties the Grote Kerk (Sint-Laurenskerk is the third alternative name is ) was rebuilt. The Laurens Church is now used for various activities including an annual fall fair. The best view of the church you have from the Great Church Square where the entrance is located.
Norwegian Seaman’s Church
The Noorse Zeemanskerk is an unusual church in the landscape of Rotterdam at the Westzeedijk at the entrance to the Park. The wooden church was built in 1914 in typical 17th century Norwegian style. The Norwegian Church is the largest wooden structure in the Netherlands and is a national monument since 1999.
Alexander Nevskikerk
At the Schiedamsesingel, not too far from the Norwegian Church, you can find the Alexander Nevskikerk. The first traditional Russian Orthodox church in the Netherlands was built between 2002 and 2004.
Nicholas Church
At the edge of the Museum is the Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. The interior of this modest church is adorned with colorful murals.
Pilgrims Fathers Church
This historic Pelgrimsvaderkerk, originally built as St. Anthony’s chapel in 1417, is situated in picturesque Delfshaven. On 21 July 1620 the Pilgrim Fathers spent the night, before moving to the New World.
Saint Lambertus Church
The neo-gothic Sint-Lambertuskerk stands in Kralingen on the corner of the chic Hoflaan. The church was built between 1875-1878 by Evert Margry, a pupil of the renowned P.J.H. Cuypers. Saint Lambert is the patron saint of Kralingen.
Saint Dominic’s Church
The Sint Dominicuskerk is a special church near the Markthal. The church was declared a national monument on 16 April 16 2016. On that same was also celebrated that the Dominicans were established 600 years in Rotterdam.
Paradise Church
This beautiful former Catholic Paradijskerk is located on the Nieuwe Binnenweg amid nightspots. Built between 1908 and 1910.
Laurentius- and Elisabeth Cathedral
Since 1967 Rotterdam also has a cathedral. The H. H. Laurentius en Elisabethkerk is established in the Mathenesserlaan. The Roman Catholic church was constructed in two phases between 1906 and 1908 and between 1920 and 1922 in Romanesque Revival style.